Tuesday, August 22, 2006

It’s only the end
Was it just last week that I was motioning to the maps, pointing at the landmass and cutting my pants as some tacit suggestion of seasonal prediction? I guess it was. All of that seems far away now. The summer doesn’t officially end until sometime in September, but for those of us residing here in the Northeast, it actually ends a whole lot earlier. I would probably characterize the end of summer as the first succession of days in which the weather breaks and responsibility looms. Those are pretty much the characteristics first imbued upon you in grade school, when you find yourself at the end of August, the smell of new cotton and a falling heart. Or at least those were my associations with going back to school. I don’t know how it was for you.

Somehow I have managed to pass the summer away, not befalling much commitment to anything or anyone. In fact, I don’t even really remember much of it at all. Somehow, I seem to remember specific blips which will come to serve in my collective memory as a summation of that time. Those things might involve ending up at certain concerts or cities, but which ones or where all seems very blurry to me now. As it says in the bible, though, I think, all goods things must come to an end. And such is the prevailing sentiment. Everyone keeps asking me what I’ve been doing all day, and when I’m going to get my shit together, and it seems almost sensible to come up with some sort of an answer now.

I managed to get up early enough yesterday to see some rare presidential news conference. It’s amazing, really, how our world leaders seem so bent on hurtling us into world war 3. You hear a lot of rhetoric during these things, a lot of the same phrases being repeated over and over. And it seems barbaric, entering a tiny pocket of grim-ness beyond stupidity, to hear some of the things being uttered, like staying the course. What does that even mean? I wonder. And then I remember. You learn a lot just checking in on these things. And since the end is pretty much neigh, it gives being irresponsible a whole new profoundity. That’s what I think, anyway. Are there any good shows happening today? A dance party somewhere, where we can usher in the impending apocalypse to a throbbing BPM? Maybe I’ll see you there.

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