Tuesday, October 31, 2006

If you close the door the night could last forever
The downstairs neighbor has erected a sign: Happy Halloween, it says, please take a handful of candy. A pleasant-looking jack-o-lantern adorns the message, and a bowl of candy hangs below. There’s something really endearing about all of this, standing in stark contrast with the proclamations I made last night. If people are coming to the door, I said, I’m just going to barricade myself upstairs, and turn the lights down low. I’ve had enough of Halloween one week ago. But our neighbor has gone the distance, actually putting out candy even though she’s not going to be there. She remembers, maybe, going to the dark-lit house as a child and the feeling it gave her. The flickering lights inside, and the damnation offered to those people shirking the spirit. I don’t know. But it touches me, inside. And somehow I come to take this as an example of not only the thoughtfulness of our neighbor but womankind as a whole. None of the male friends I know would ever do this sort of thing.

This feeling lasts for about twenty minutes, as I make my way downstairs at 6:00 O’clock to find the hallway shredded, the sign missing, and all of the candy gone. Out of doors a sea of miniature miscreants are everywhere, haphazardly making their way from house to house, as their parents stand in the street. Good god, I think: where did all of these people come from? And what the hell do they want with me. I feel totally encroached upon, and my late night proclamations validated. What is this age-old tradition? I remember my uncle telling me how they've recently adapted Halloween in Norway, and how the general populace was just about outraged by the ordeal. And here I find myself thinking in the same hackneyed language of a Norwegian: Nei! Go from our house, little ones. Get away from here. There’s the bell now. The lights are flickering inside, but there is nobody home, it appears.

1 comment:

teenieglowworm said...

i saw your IM too late last night. you were already offline.

i haven't been posting much lately, i think i'm just worn out and not in the mood to recount my day's activities, no matter how amusing or funny or whatever you want to call it.

i used to love halloween. i think i still do...but more the dressing up and being wild than the candy. surprisingly, i hardly had any this year...

i got hit in the head by a blowpop once... some bitch on the 1st floor of my apartment was chucking candy at these kids cause they were "too old to trick or treat" ...but we didnt know that. we opened our door, walked down to give them candy and i got promptly beaned in the head. i got angry. i yelled. and then i gave the kids extra candy.