Thursday, November 30, 2006

A kid who tells on another kid is a dead kid
No revelations to report on today. But it’s not even 9:00 am, and so you have to keep an open mind. The only half-way coherent thought skittering across the cantaloupe cranium of my brain comes at around 8:00 am today, as I watch the local news and think to myself, these people are total chumps. They seem to affect the strangest affectations, coming across as some parody of what they believe normality to be, and it freaks you out. A couple of years ago, I remember reading about how CNN was thinking of introducing Ebonics into their newscasts, getting their lead anchors to drop slang to spice up the evening news. And it kind of makes you wonder. But in hindsight they may have just been underestimating the president and his penchant for international debacle, making watching the nightly news as entertaining as your favorite sitcom, with more of an apocalyptic bent. Because, can it get any worse (the president is currently en route to the USA after the puppet elected Iraqi prime minister ducked out on meeting with him, basically, because he didn’t feel like it)?

On my way in to work this morning, I drove by the Christian Brothers Academy, like I always do. It’s basically some kind of training center for future Abu Ghraib war criminals, from what I could gather, and they do this flag raising ceremony out in front of the school. What this features is 3 younger-looking kids lackadaisically standing around the flagpole as one of the older students shows them how to raise the flag. And I always note as I drive by the unambiguous distraction I must be in their very important proceedings, cruising in to work ten minutes late, with NOU blasting from my car stereo. What if one of these kids were to ascertain a copy of 13-Point Program to Destroy America? Would years of military training unravel instantaneously? Would they show up the next day with a now-altered uniform, the arms cut off to reveal the scars of a new tattoo? It seems unlikely to me, but you never know. And you have to leave room for revelations, of which there is just no lack of in this landscape.

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