Monday, November 27, 2006

Make your mark on a darkened dance floor

This weekend was crazy. All that I seem left with now, in the flickering movie theatre of the mind, is a curious montage of various dance partners, both willing and not. There’s something funny about being turned down by somebody, revealing your gesticulating movements long enough for the potential dance partner to figure out that you are a deranged lunatic who warrants all out alienation. But equally as funny are the people who end up misinterpreting all of that as you lure them up from their booth at the side of the floor to dance to “Beat It”. It's probably safe to say there are certain places around town that i should no longer be permitted entry.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am offended that you didn't;
a) ask me to dance during 'Beat It'
b) comment on my flashy moves
(eventually, we were all on the stage)
c) shake your gesticulator in my direction.
In hindsite i guess I'm just glad Lucas didn't find me sleeping on the couch in the am. LOL