Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Killing with flange and with tape and with Hendrix
Hey: you know what’s annoying? When you’re on the bus or train, or wherever it is you see the masses hanging around in transit with their iPods on, and you actually see someone rocking out, doing a little drum routine on their lap as they listen to the latest Nickelback song. It’s a sad little demonstration of self, we are prompted to conclude, like putting bumper stickers on your car, and it makes us at the blogspot want to punch you right in the face. The only real exception to this rule, however, is if you happen to be us, in which case you’re veritably burning calories at your desk doing these same things, toe-tapping like a motherfucker, and only resembling someone with a severe case of mental retardation. One of my coworkers turns to me today and says, “You’ve had too much coffee again.” And the answer is an obligatory, Yes, we have, practically shredding the adrenal glands in the process. And it’s kind of sad to admit, here at the unambiguous age of Adulthood, that really, we just want to rock.

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