Monday, December 11, 2006

You're in a cut up world with the goodbye girls
Monday morning, the building looms large against the palatial backdrop of doom and despair. The woman entering before me holds the door. “Oh, I just hate Mondays,” she says dramatically. It seems like such an obvious suggestion that I have no idea how to respond and can only agree that, yes, Mondays are a real blower. Although, from another point of view, it could be Monday morning in Rwanda, in which case you’re infinitely worse off. Or: alternately, you could be in the rock group documentary that we watched last night, getting harangued by reporters. “I could never deal with that sort of treatment,” A. says. But I could deal with that sort of treatment a lot easier than I could deal with my actual job, I say. And so Monday morning, I guess, from converging points of view. I try and take the high moral ground, imbuing some kind of good, and mostly i suck at guitar.

Pizza at L. Trela’s last night. “Could I get a cup of coffee?” I want to know, just as she’s about to serve dinner. I then spend the next 20 minutes complaining about how slow the coffee pot is, and how my own coffee maker is infinitely superior. “You know, you really do suck,” she says to me. And it’s true: I’m not a very good house guest. All I can demonstrate is a bad posture, a really bad form. After dinner, I outrageously suggest that everybody retires to the other room to watch reruns of the show Growing Pains, and am promptly thrown out of the house. But somehow I keep getting invited back, and keep eating everything in sight. Thank you, L. Trela: you are a good person. The world needs more people like you.

Later I tried to call back all of the people I’ve been meaning to call back. But mostly, nobody seemed to be at home. The no answer situation lead me to contemplate all of my past behaviors, and how I could have been better. But in the end I conspired a theory that some disaster had occurred out in the world, some calamitous event, and that’s what was preoccupying everybody. It’s probably not true, but it’s best to stay positive.


Anonymous said...

i can't help but think through the many times where i've thought, "where the hell is everyone", that they're off doing something important or are preoccupied in some catastrophic way. ..until i start missing phone calls or not being able to come through on plans. so am i some hypocrite? no, i'm just like everyone else. we are all in our strange little worlds and they sometimes bump and collide into one another... sometimes fruitful, others disasterous...but still, that is all it is. why worry about such things? just let it slide, like that penguin said. perhaps you've been neglectful of those people, or perhaps it'll all settle into the rhythm of things once you do get ahold of such and such and realize you're not so bad, you just weren't connecting at the moment.

(i hope that makes sense, i'm not in the mood to retrace what i wrote to make it seem any better or more coherent. it's a new thing i'm trying. write what i think, and hope it makes sense. do let me know if it's working)

Anonymous said...

There are so many reasons you could be thrown out of someone's house. I stand by what I said you really do suck. But, as you so eloquently put it you are irresistable.